Yoga and Eym

Winter Wellbeing, some tips

This time of year can have a huge effect on mental well-being, so below we have listed a few small winter rituals, that we think, make all the difference. 

1. Go for a lunchtime walk. Getting outside in the brightest part of the day, gives you that much-needed dose of serotonin and vitamin D. 

2. Create mindful moments at home, light the fire, roll out your mat, and do a yoga/stretching/breathwork/meditation class in the early evening. It helps with that slightly itchy scratchy feeling you get if you've been inside all day. 

3. Phoebe McDowell, acting beauty director at The Sunday Times Style
 told us that she loves to light her candles in the morning when it's still dark outside. She makes herself a cup of tea and sits quietly. So instead of the dark morning dread, she views it as her peaceful and meditative time.

4. Get sociable, cook a meal, lay the table, pick some flowers, turn the music up, and invite some of your favourite people around for lunch.